Addicted to Alberta - HOLE #2

Addicted to Alberta - HOLE #2
 #2. “Devil’s Cauldron” Par 3, 192 yards
Next up in the Duck Hook Golf Diaries, can we really have a dream 18 without including the single handed most famous hole in Canadian Golf??! Duck no, the Devils Cauldron is without a doubt one of the greatest holes in the game. Again, at the Fairmont Banff Springs, formally known, “The Witches Cauldron”, under Donald Ross in 1924, before its redesign by the one and only Stanley Thompson, the Cauldron is an uncontested bucket-list hole for not only the team down at Golf Addicts but also worldwide! She really does echo a beauty heard round the world…. Walking up to this tee-box looking over that glacial lake with a couple of lit cigars and a fresh brew, staring straight into the soul of Mount Rundle, will leave you and the crew breathless.
It certainly won’t matter if you shit hook your first into the trees on the left or duff your second into the lake at the bottom…the sheer magnificence of this hole will not physically allow you to get pissed off. Just do what the rest of us do and tee 3 off her, It’s worth it.
Stanley Thompson Treats - SCOREGolf


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